Official Organization and Installation of Officers

Held with Metropolitan Baptist Church, 32-34 Prince St., Newark, NJ

Rev. B. F. Johnson, Pastor

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SERVICEThe Opening Devotions were deeply spiritual and heartwarming. Welcome on behalf of the church, Trustee Charles Wigham. Address by Deacon Grover O. Chiles, 1st Vice President, National Baptist Deacon’s Convention of America, Inc. and Auxiliaries.  Introduced by the President, Deacon Malcolm Yelverton.  Inspirational Music by Choral Group, Metropolitan Baptist Church.  Introduction of the Guest Minister by Deacon Robert Carter, President Deacon’s Union of Trenton, N.J. and vicinity. Installation Speaker, Rev. B.F. Johnson, Pastor of the Host Church. The Message was based upon Exodus 14:15, “And the Lord said unto Moses wherefore thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward.” Sub: “God’s Marching Orders”. The message still lingers in our memory and we have not stopped marching forward. Installation of Officers followed this powerful sermon by our Host Pastor.

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Official Organization and Installation of Officers

Held with Metropolitan Baptist Church, 32-34 Prince St., Newark, NJ

Rev. B. F. Johnson, Pastor

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SERVICEThe Opening Devotions were deeply spiritual and heartwarming. Welcome on behalf of the church, Trustee Charles Wigham. Address by Deacon Grover O. Chiles, 1st Vice President, National Baptist Deacon’s Convention of America, Inc. and Auxiliaries.  Introduced by the President, Deacon Malcolm Yelverton.  Inspirational Music by Choral Group, Metropolitan Baptist Church.  Introduction of the Guest Minister by Deacon Robert Carter, President Deacon’s Union of Trenton, N.J. and vicinity. Installation Speaker, Rev. B.F. Johnson, Pastor of the Host Church. The Message was based upon Exodus 14:15, “And the Lord said unto Moses wherefore thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel that they go forward.” Sub: “God’s Marching Orders”. The message still lingers in our memory and we have not stopped marching forward. Installation of Officers followed this powerful sermon by our Host Pastor.

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The Pre-Organization committee met at Shiloh Baptist Church at 8:30 p.m. Following the devotions; the acting Moderator assumed the Chair, and called for the minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes were read and adopted as read. The report of the committee on Nominations were called for and read by Deacon Lee Davis.

Nomination of officers as follows:

Deacon Lee G. Davis, President; Deacon Samuel Hickerson, Vice President; Deacon Ernest D. Wormley, Recording Secretary; Deacon John Harvey, Assisting Secretary; Deacon Laughton Jackson, Corresponding Secretary; Deacon Cornelious Brown, Financial Secretary; Deacon Joshua Randolph, Treasurer; Deacon Zannie Leeks, Chaplain; Deacon Turner Bodiford, Marshall.

A motion was offered and seconded by Deacon Arkel Spencer and Deacon Archie Murphy that the report of the committee be received and adopted.

The report of the committee of drafting the constitution was called for Deacon Jessie Slaten chaired this committee and Deacon Daniel Bond, Secretary.

Committee as follows:

Deacon Jessie Slaten, Deacon Ernest D. Wormley, Deacon Laughton Jackson, Deacon General Jones, Deacon Daniel Bond, Deacon Richard Robinson, 
Deacon Ollie Bates, Deacon James Medley, Deacon Robert Wiggs, Deacon James Manley, Deacon Robert Chapman, Deacon Melvin Cheek, Deacon Wm. Thompson, Deacon Charles Tonic and Deacon Chancey Walker.

The draft of the constitution was read, and submitted for discussion and changes if necessary.  Following discussion. A motion by Deacon E. O. Wing, second by Deacon Cornelious Brown, that the draft of the constitution be accepted by the body, and adopted. Deacon George Moore offered a suggestion that our official organization date would be set for the 3rd Sunday in January, 1966, and the elected officers be installed at that Service. Deacon E. O. Wing motioned and Deacon Torrence seconded that we hold our official organization and Installation of Officers at the Metropolitan Baptist Church of Newark, N.J. and Rev. B.F. Johnson, Pastor, on January 19, 1966. Deacon Daniel Bond Motioned and Deacon Robert Wiggs Seconded that we appoint a committee to draw up the program for Organization and Installation of Officers at Metropolitan Baptist Church of Newark, N.J. on January 16, 1966. The Motion carried.

A silver offering was collected to help defray expenses of the committees in mailing Minutes of the previous Three meetings to all of the Local unions, etc. An offering on $50 dollars was given and the amount of $3.75 was given for mailing expenses, and the balance of $46.75 turned over to the committee treasurer.  Leaving a balance in the treasury of $56.90. The offertory prayer and benediction was given by Rev. (Deacon) H. Presley.

Deacon Malcolm Yelverton, Acting President

Deacon Ernest D. Wormley, Acting Secretary

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The Pre-Organization Group me at Second Baptist Church of Perth Amboy, N.J. at 8:45 p.m.

After Devotions, the Acting Moderator, Deacon M. Yelverton was presented to take charge as presiding officer of the meeting. There were very brief remarks by the chair, and the meeting opened for business.

The first order of business was reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting which was read by the acting secretary, Deacon Ernest D. Wormley. On motion of Deacon Robert Carter, seconded by Deacon Lee G. Davis, the minutes are adopted, along with the recommendation. The Motion carried.

The recommendation offered in the minutes, and approved with the minutes was, that the Five Unions represented in the motion would formally organize as “The New Jersey State Baptist Deacon’s Convention”.

Deacon Charles Tonic Motioned and Deacon Robert Wiggs Seconded that a Nomination Committee by appointed on nomination of Officers of the convention. The motion carried unanimously.

The motion was offered that Two members of each Union, or organization be selected to work with the committee when it is selected, and the Presidents of each Union or organization serve as advisors to the committee. The Motion carried.

Members of the Committee:

Deacon John Harvey – Deacon’s Union, Trenton & vicinity.

Deacon Cornelious Brown – Deacon’s Union of Monmouth & adj. counties.

Deacon Cupid Johnson – Baptist Deacon’s Association of N.J.

Deacon General Jones – Baptist Deacon’s Association of N.J.

Deacon Samuel Hickerson – Deacon’s Union of South Jersey.

Deacon T. Bodiford – Deacon’s Union of Trenton & vicinity.

Deacon Zaney Leaks – Deacon’s Union of Monmouth & adjacent counties

Deacon Jessie Slaten Motioned, Seconded by Deacon Carl McGhee, that Deacon Lee G. Davis serve as chairman of the committee. The Motion carried.

The Chair then named the Five Presidents to serve as advisors to the committee on the constitution.  

Five Presidents:  Deacon Robert Carter, Deacon (Rev) Herbert Pressley, Deacon Arkel Spenser, Deacon Charles Tonic and Deacon George Moore.

Constitution Committee:  Members appointed by the body.

Deacon Jessie Slaten, Deacon Ernest D. Wormley, Deacon Lawton Jackson, Deacon General Jones, Deacon Daniel Bond, Deacon Robert Wiggs, Deacon William Manely, Deacon Robert Chapman, Deacon Melvin Cheek, Deacon Wm. Thompson, Deacon Richard Robinson, Deacon Charles Tonic, Deacon Ollie Bates, Deacon Chancey Walker and Deacon James Medley.

On Motion by Deacon Robert Carter, Seconded by Deacon Arkel Spenser, Deacon Jessie Slaten was named Chairman of the Constitution Committee.

Deacon Archie Murphy was appointed temporary Treasurer with consent of the body. An amount of $10.65 was collected to help defray cost of mailing expense that will occur. Attendance 37It was Motioned, Seconded and carried that we stand adjourned and meet next with the Shiloh Baptist Church of Trenton, N.J. Rev. Howard Woodson, Jr., Pastor on Saturday, November 27, 1965 at 8 o’clock p.m. We were dismissed with Benediction by Rev. J. Jeffries.

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At the call of the Committee of the Baptist Deacon’s Association, Inc. the following Deacon’s Unions met at 604 High Street, Newark, N.J. Organizations attending this meeting were as follows: The Baptist Deacons Association of N.J.; The Baptist Deacons Union of Monmouth and adjacent counties; The Baptist Deacons Union of Trenton, N.J. and vicinity; and The North Jersey Baptist Deacons Union.

After opening devotions; Deacon Malcolm Yelverton was elected to act as Moderator of the meeting. Deacon Ernest D. Wormly was elected to act as Recording Secretary of the meeting.The chair then pronounced the house in order and the meeting open for business. The first order of business was a statement by the chair of the purpose of the meeting. He then asked for minutes of the August 14th meeting which was read by the secretary of that meeting Deacon Daniel Bond. After hearing the minutes, and proposals of the meeting, a lengthy discussion was held, with many questions and answers, and added suggestions for members of all the groups attending. Deacon Daniel Bond Motioned and Deacon Zaney W. Leak Seconded, that the minutes, with suggestions be accepted. A motion was offered, Seconded and carried that our next meeting of the Pre-Organization Committee would be held with the Second Baptist Church of Perth Amboy, N.J., 101 Broad St.

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A Committee of the Baptist Deacon’s Association of N.J. Inc. met at the home of the President, Deacon George Moore, 941 Thorn Street, Rahway, N.J. on August 7, 1965.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the organization of the Deacon’s Unions of our state into a state Baptist Deacons Convention. Deacon Malcolm Yelverton presented an Agenda of items for discussion, and a Motion was made, Seconded, and carried that we accept the proposed agenda as a guide in our discussions. It was agreed by common consent that Deacon General Jones would act as chairman, or Moderator of the meeting.

Deacon Jones accepted the position with thanks to the committee, and asked for a recording secretary for the meeting. It was motioned, seconded and carried that Deacon Daniel Bond would act as recording secretary of this meeting.

After a full and lengthy discussion of the suggested items on the Agenda, and common agreement upon them, along with other suggestions by those in attendance, a Motion for adjournment carried.

We were dismissed with prayer by our President and Host of the meeting, Deacon George Moore. (Our Host and his lovely wife served a refreshing repast).It was by common consent that we would meet one week later, August 14, at the Northern Baptist School of religion, 604 High Street, Newark, N.J. All deacons Unions of New Jersey would be invited to meet with us on that date.

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