At the call of the Committee of the Baptist Deacon’s Association, Inc. the following Deacon’s Unions met at 604 High Street, Newark, N.J. Organizations attending this meeting were as follows: The Baptist Deacons Association of N.J.; The Baptist Deacons Union of Monmouth and adjacent counties; The Baptist Deacons Union of Trenton, N.J. and vicinity; and The North Jersey Baptist Deacons Union.

After opening devotions; Deacon Malcolm Yelverton was elected to act as Moderator of the meeting. Deacon Ernest D. Wormly was elected to act as Recording Secretary of the meeting.The chair then pronounced the house in order and the meeting open for business. The first order of business was a statement by the chair of the purpose of the meeting. He then asked for minutes of the August 14th meeting which was read by the secretary of that meeting Deacon Daniel Bond. After hearing the minutes, and proposals of the meeting, a lengthy discussion was held, with many questions and answers, and added suggestions for members of all the groups attending. Deacon Daniel Bond Motioned and Deacon Zaney W. Leak Seconded, that the minutes, with suggestions be accepted. A motion was offered, Seconded and carried that our next meeting of the Pre-Organization Committee would be held with the Second Baptist Church of Perth Amboy, N.J., 101 Broad St.


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